The Gritty Committee

It’s high time to salute all the folks that assisted in the recent launch of Grit Fiction! Whether you opened up doors, welcomed me on the other side of them, pulled me through, or gave me a gentle nudge in the right direction, I appreciate you! You are and will aways be a part of my success, present and future.
I wouldn’t be here without the help of:
- Julie Kadlec, my wife, handler, business manager, motivator, endless resource of love and encouragement, and a few hundred other superlatives.
- Cowboy Darrell Kadlec, the hero of Grit Fiction story #9, and hero of a great many real-life stories.
- Heck, I need to thank all the Kadlecs for their support: John and Lisa Kadlec, Ryan and Lacey Kadlec, and, of course, Mom and Dad. They never stifled my creativity and helped me along in ways I can’t begin to enumerate. To my large and large-hearted family, I love you all.
- Big thanks go to my great friend, Matthew Pfahlert, and the Silent P team for making the publication of Grit Fiction a reality. In addition, Matt’s cover art and book promo blew me away, and I hope it did you as well. The eye-grabbing concepts of “The Silent P” contribute in a large way to Grit Fiction sales.
- Many thanks, too, to another great friend, Donnie Galbraith at HotLaunch. He worked tirelessly behind the scenes with design, facilitation, management, and other techy stuff to make my website run smoothly.
Thank you to everyone so far who has taken a chance on me and put Grit Fiction on their retail shelves:
- Spencer’s Western World, Pinellas Park, FL
- Oak Hollow Saddlery & Gifts, Pinellas Park, FL
- Emerald City Comics, Clearwater, FL
Special thanks to Chad, Dave, Adrian, and Haley (this includes each of the many Haleys we saw buzzing around the store) for their help in the Grit Fiction signing event earlier this month! Here’s a few pictures from the day – – It was truly a blast being there, and meeting and speaking with readers, other writers, comic book fans, and everyone who stopped by!

There are also a lot of folks I appreciate as well; there just wasn’t room or time to list all of your names and contributions. Whether you knowingly or unwittingly gave me a lift, inspired a story, offered helpful advice and feedback, or kept me going, I am grateful for you all.
THANK YOU – To the entire Gritty Committee! That includes everyone named above, everyone who came to the website, who dropped by to look at Grit Fiction, and who purchased it!
(When you read it, please drop a review here: Grit Fiction: 12 Shots: Kadlec, Gary A, Pfahlert, Matthew: 9798844028410: Books I would love your feedback!)
I appreciate you all. Without you, I’m just all hat.